
I record this poem of mine, The Quietly Singing Thing, to hearten and give us comfort in these challenging days.

5 Responses to “Comfort

  • Listening to this was, for me, praying. I listened three times in a row.
    “As if separation could be credible…” Love it, love it, and your reading.

    • Jennie, thank you for telling me. You know how poems are really so often what the writer needs to believe. Well your response brought me the comfort I was seeking.

  • The beauty and truth of your message made alive by your reading!!! I felt the connection. To you especially.

    • Deena, how wonderful to hear from you, and especially to feel the connection to you.
      I’m on my first Wisconsin visit from Mexico in many years, just got here this week. I will be at Mt Sally June 2-9. Any chance you’re visiting up this way too??

  • Carlee Blamphin
    3 years ago

    Love this, my old friend! It’s so true!
    Where are you?
    My son just got married in our backyard last week. So fun and joyful.