Equipoise, Whee!

Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina

self portrait, the world and me

On the page for today’s date, the 29th of December, my poem Equipoise appears in the global datebook, We’Moon 2014. This has me musing about what kind of folks start using a datebook the week before the new year starts— maybe the kind like me who like to ride the glide.

This is the week of time out of time, the days before we jump, next week, into next year’s newness. Whee! It’s the cusp of the year! It’s the end of emptying for the year of 2013, and the start of filling up for the year 2014. Time to ride the new moon sense of poise. Time to listen deeply to guidance from your greater consciousness.

My guidance is steering me toward service. In January I start the Literacy Project training and I’m looking at a voluntourism project near Belem, Brazil for spring or fall. If you are so inclined, please comment on what guidance you are receiving for 2014, regarding how you might contribute to the great changes afoot in our world.IMG_0325

8 Responses to “Equipoise, Whee!

  • Debbie
    10 years ago

    I received the 2014 We’Moon as a holiday gift and was delighted to see your piece!

    • Susa Silvermarie
      10 years ago

      thanks Debbie. You made my day.

  • Happy emptying and filling and waiting and jumping in to you Susa. Love your website. I am going between my new grand daughter Marley Mae and my very old mother Allie Ann. A river of native baskets is coming my way in the new year and my daughter will wed. Oh yes. Susan

  • Rrrro
    10 years ago

    Hope that there’s one waiting for me tomorrow at Beans, as it is a special year with your piece in it. Like your welcome video! You’re looking happy & sassy you spitfire sweetheart you. All the best on the edge of a New Year!

  • Ann Filemyr
    10 years ago

    Dear Susa,
    Guidance for me in the coming solar cycle is that challenges ahead direct us to keep our hearts open in order to experience the oneness in all of Creation despite the constant illusion of separation. How to practice this? Make no one your enemy. Catch yourself when you must be right and others wrong and consider the right/wrong duality as the basis for warfare. Be aware when you judge someone to be better than you or worse than you and relize how this judging is itself an act of violence. Deepen and soften your heart. Be the change you desire for the world. Become the peace that the world so desperately needs.

    We’Moon begins the year on December 21 at the Winter Solstice, so your poem is in the beginning of the solar cycle year, the old pagan New Year.

    Blessings my poetry sister, and a toast to all wise words!
    Ann Megisikwe

  • carol
    10 years ago

    This is way out of my scope of knowledge but Susa, you’re amazing.

  • Michaelle
    10 years ago

    Hi, this is the 5-year check-in from one of your friends with probable ADD issues. Glad to see you continuing seemingly as ever. Love for the new year.

  • Day Simmons
    10 years ago

    Susa wow! Equipoise made the rhythm of my blood pumping shift a bit, the bump caused my cells to percolate. They shook out like a wet pup, renewed. Poised with a slant 🙂

    Thanks for your gifts!

    – Day