I Sing the Mystery

I sing until my heart strengthens
and I feel my Gone-befores
gather ‘round me.
In that moment, I know
love is made.

Not found. Not waited for.
Love is created.
Constructed of life-force light.
And this crafting of love,
our highest human art.

I sing until my heart strengthens
and I feel my Come-afters
gather round me.
Oh the comfort! Knowing
I have never been alone.

Love is so stubborn.
I won’t say devout,
it sounds too holy
for the ordinary miracle
of earthy love.

I sing until my heart strengthens
and I feel the angels
of every impossible blossom
singing with me,
singing with me.

I lift like a flower
up to love.
We bring into being
what we ourselves
are made of.

I sing until my heart strengthens
and bursts like a bloom
into this mystery,
into this marvel.
Simple. Wondrous. Love.

©Susa Silvermarie 2022

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