Living as a Link

I honor my ancestor patterns.
At the same time I release
the many disownings down the line.
I break with all those breakings,
though I no longer judge them.

I move through my days
trying for kindness
on behalf of those to come,
and those who could not find
the way to mend.

I no longer think I live
for myself alone.
When chasms in clans
are bridged with giant swaths
of deliberate healing and forgiveness,

I feel how the restorations
flow on the winds of time
to those from before and those to come.
Thus I honor the lineage
in which I live as a shiny link.

©Susa Silvermarie 2022


One Response to “Living as a Link

  • Barb Ester
    2 years ago

    Beautiful reflection on holding the present (past and future) !