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Reconciliation, defined as the restoration of friendly relations, is one of my intentions for this year. I began by going to visit some of my closest relations, my Mom (age 97) and my sister in Florida. I know that making peace in my personal life adds its necessary drop to the planet’s cup of peace. I find that friendly relations need to be restored, not once, but on a regular basis! It is my prayer that we each reconcile, first with ourselves and then with all those with whom we come in contact. The Buddhists call it metta, from the Pali word that translates as loving-kindness. May we all be free from suffering, may we all be at peace.


photos by Linda Claire Sartori

2 Responses to “Reconciliation

  • Pauline
    8 years ago

    Susa, this is a truth I hold close to my heart. There is always hope that it will happen. Love the photos of you and your Mom

  • Linda
    8 years ago

    Two last photos come out sideways.