
At the Buddhist retreat,
wind’s thin fingers
skip across my cheeks.
In noble silence, I perceive
Lake Chapala breeze. Her touch
brushes my temples,
invisible and frank.
Molecules of bodied air,
moving over the waters,
moor my spirit here, and now.

©Susa Silvermarie 2019

One Response to “Sensing

  • Sharol Felch
    5 years ago

    I visited Lake Chalapa this last spring and found an air bnb right on the lake. My room had a my room had French doors that opened right up to the lake and heavenly breezes. It was a full that night, and I awoke and stood at the door reveling in my senses if that “here and now”.
    Thank you for articulating so beautifully experiences we humans get to share.
    Sharol Felch