
photography by Susa SilvermarieEarthlife cradles me.
In early light on the mountains,
in the swish of waves on the lake,
in birdsong from every tree,
earthlife cradles me.
Every morning this healing
from rays of the star that loves us
from songs of water,
from music in the trees.
Every morning,
I wake inside
this, this!

If a flower can
push through darkness,
if a fragile bloom
can drive from blind earth,
laughing at obstacles,
to offer its blossom—
If the blue ball can spin,
a dot in the cosmos,
spin in splendor as if
its already-written end
creates the starry music
to which it dances—

then oh, I, too,
may whirl my petal arms
open in brave delight,
in daily surprise.
I, too, may unfurl—
whether my day
be bright or blurry—
to offer
my own brief beauty,
inside the earthlife
that cradles me,
inside — this, this!

©Susa Silvermarie 2022

photography by Susa Silvermarie

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